
2023 Travel Recap: 5 destinations, 2 continents

Its the new year. And I am starting as I mean to go on. The last year of my blog was all fits and starts but this year I aim to be regular and following a calendar. 

To start myself off, here’s a recap of my year – travel wise. It was an adventurous year and the overview is as colorful as possible!

Starting off in Style

The year started with a trip – in Paris. Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe and the Montmartre – these were my sights for the first couple of days of 2023. The weather mostly co-operated and being there with my family was such a good time! While I saw some beautiful sites and had a great time with my family, Paris disillusioned me in some respects. Nevertheless, it was still worth a year end-new year trip. Read about it here.

The water beckons...

It was April and The Netherlands was still cold (atleast I felt so, being from a tropical country), so we wanted to escape to somewhere warm. Thus was arranged a trip to Albufeira, Portugal. Hot days, intensely blue waters and gorgeous craggy cliffs – what an absolutely invigorating vacation.

The kiddo loved the time-out, running about the beaches and having fun in the hotel playground.

Under The Tuscan Sun

The year’s next trip came up as early as May! Yep, a month after Portugal we were off to Italy. Tuscany greeted us with lush greenery. The weather was a mix of grey and brilliant slightly scorching sunshine but overall really pleasant. Pisa, Siena, Greve and Florence absolutely enchanted me. Such beauty that it leaves you stunned. The food, oh the food was soo good – ravioli, pasta, pizza and oh the desserts were just the stuff of dreams. Everything I ever though my Italian sojourn would be.

Getting to know the "Homeland"

June, July and August were when we enjoyed some of the sights in and around The Netherlands. Getting to know summer in our new homeland was pretty nice.

Rotterdam was an enjoyable day trip. The zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp) was interesting and the view from the top of the Euromast was fantastic.

Typical Dutch Summer Days

We also tried some quintessential Dutch experiences in the summer.

The Keukenhof gardens: Unimaginable varieties of tulips on full bloom, in a multitude of colours. A pretty, pretty sight!

And, enjoying a barbecue among the greenery!

Brussels in Belgium is a 3-hour drive from the Hague. So that was another day trip we took. It was a intensely sunny day so we checked out just a few sights and mostly relaxed in the shade.

This is how we made the most of summer time. (It’s still not summer if I have to keep jackets at hand, but what do I know?!)

Hues of Cote d'Azur

Then came September and we were off to the truly sunny climes of the South of France – Marseille. The sun was a bit extreme actually but none of that mattered because this port town was utterly delightful. History and nature existed in perfect harmony. The highlight of the trip though was the boat ride to The Calanques. Amazing!

Back to the roots

The final trip of the year was back home to India during festival season. Wherever we are, we try not to miss Durga Puja in Kolkata. Family, friends and food – the trifecta that is the oxygen of existence. It soothed tired minds, mended homesick hearts and recharged the soul for the next year away from all that is familiar.

Wrap up!

It would be an understatement to say the year was interesting and exciting travel wise. I do consider myself luck that I was in a position to take these trips to European cities and enjoy a full week there.

Time to plan for 2024. Happy New Year from Nils!

Meanwhile keep an eye on this space for the detailed posts on the above destinations.

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Beginner’s Guide to Motherhood: 10 Most Valuable Advise

Parenting 101_Parenting hacks For Newborns

Parenting Advise – Most Valuable Advise for New Parents (baby upto 6 months) - Part 3

I am not a doctor, or any way qualified professionally but personally – I am slowly graduating to a pro. Hence, here I am, sharing my learning which are based on my own experiences. So here are my Most Valuable Advise, straight from the war-zone (hah!).

Read this in conjunction with the first 2 parts here and here.

Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” – Rumi

10 Most Valuable Advise - My learnings

  1. The very first lesson – holding the baby : one hand should always, always be at the back of his neck and the other on his back or on his rump. Their spines are not hardened yet.
  2. There are 2 main reasons why a child cries – he’s hungry or he’s sleepy. Try to feed him first and if he doesn’t take, then try to put him to sleep. Whichever works, note the type of cry for future reference. I have learnt which cry means he’s sleepy.
  3. If he cries non-stop even after the above two, then he is in pain – either stomach-ache or ear-ache.
  4. Keep medicines for colic and paracetamol. Administer the colic medicine first if baby is crying incessantly. If even that doesn’t work, give some paracetamol. However, consult your baby’s pediatrician about which medicines to give and what doses.
  5. After baby’s umbilical cord has fallen off, start bathing baby. Before that, give sponge baths but take care of the cord and dress it as per advice from hospital/doctor.
  6. Babies often wake up with a start or jerk during sleep; keep something slightly heavy over his chest or turn him on his side to prevent this. For me, the former didn’t work but the latter did.
  7. Diapers make the baby uneasy and can give him rashes. Keep him in soft cloth nappies as long as possible. I kept him in diapers at night only to ensure sound sleep, because he may have woken up during nappy change otherwise.
  8. Baby nails grow alarmingly quickly, and they tend to scratch themselves. Nail cutting should be done only when he is in deep sleep and then too, not to the very edge since soft skin lies underneath. You can also try mittens to eliminate the scratching. We did that when we couldn’t cut his nails just yet.
  9. Hot Oil massage is important for a baby’s strength and development. He will kick and throw punches at an early stage if so.
  10. Trust your instincts about your baby’s health and well-being. Be patient, give yourself and your baby time to know each other.
Most Valuable Advise for New Moms
With a 1-month old

Help is a call away...

These are all things that have worked for me; to have a happy and healthy baby. Most of this advise came from my parents or doctor or my advisors (friend’s sister and brother-in-law). I filtered out what worked for me so I can give first-hand advise rather than those of books.

I hope this helps someone out there!

This concludes the newborn phase of the series. In the next part, I talk about the growth stages of a baby upto 1 year, what to look out for.

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7 Essential facts About Babies For New Parents

Parenting Advise – Tips for New Parents (baby upto 6 months) Part 2

My Motherhood journey taught me quite a few things which I am sharing here. I hope my personal experiences will help some new mother out there and let them know that it’s okay to be worried but know that they will eventually figure things out. This post is about those essential facts about babies which all new parents must know.

Don’t Worry, It’s Normal!

I think every mother / parent feels this at some point or another – I don’t know how to be a mother, I can’t even do this, or that. I’ll tell you this – don’t worry, it’s normal. However many books you read or videos you watch in preparation, you can actually never be prepared for the reality. So just take each step as it comes. And always, keep learning.

Being a New Mommy

As I approached the date of delivery, I started to get nervous. Till now, all I had to do was to take care of myself and the baby was doing all the growing inside the womb. Now, he would be out in the world, a vulnerable, helpless human being who would be totally dependent on me/us for every single thing. How would I do it? I knew nothing!!! Furthermore, I hadn’t even read any parenting books. I started to buy one when I realized that the reviews were mixed and said that books don’t really help.

The First Few Days...

That first night, I was even afraid to take him in my arms…what if I did it wrong? But as I learnt, it was instinctive to be extremely careful, to handle my precious one as if he was breakable. The first night in the hospital, the nurse offered to let him keep me overnight and I refused; I didn’t think I could handle it yet.

Apart from feeding him at the hospital, I had not handled him until the time he was handed to me at the time of leaving the hospital. That first time of handling him gave me the confidence, and gradually I started to believe I could and would be able to take care of him.

Essential Facts About Babies Main

The Challenges of a Newborn's Parent

The challenges of being a parent are innumerable however those initial days are the hardest. There were many bad days when we just didn’t know what to do. The tension in those moments was so high that arguments were galore but we got over them by putting our heads together.

Now, we know that we can work out the reason and solution logically. For example, there was the day he just wouldn’t stop crying. We did various things – feeding, rocking, stomach-ache meds, humming, etc. and ultimately we could calm him down. Another day he wasn’t sleeping the whole day; again we talked to the doctor and adults and could figure out the issue. Then, one day went by without him pooping at all (vs. pooping 3-4 times). A phone call to the doctor helped ease our minds.

Advise: Never be afraid to ask for help! Parents and doctors play a big role in sorting out the problems.

7 Essential Facts About Babies New Parents must Know

Here are a few common things you will worry about at some point but are actually normal baby behaviour – because babies are unpredictable, as said correctly by Dr. Abhijit Misra.

  • He sleeps too much! Don’t worry, babies can sleep upto 23 hours! It’s also normal to sleep during the day and stay awake at night.

  • He is okay on my lap but wakes up as soon as I put him down! All babies do that, they crave the warmth and softness of a mother’s lap.

  • He is peeing a lot! He can pee as many times as he feeds or more. The thumb rule is: he should pee atleast 6-8 times a day.

  • Is he eating enough? He should take a feed 6-8 times a day, more if required.

  • If he feeds 6-8 times, pees 6-8 times and doubles his weight in 4-5 months, the baby is fine. Relax!

  • He hasn’t pooped today! Well, if your baby is breastfeeding, then he can go without pooping for 7-10 days !! For formula fed-babies, he should poop everyday.

  • I think he’s cold or is he hot? Why is he fussing? Well, he feels whatever temperature you feel. So don’t over-wrap or over-expose.

For other pointers, check out this page:

Coming up in the next part, parenting advise straight from my personal experiences. Keep an eye on this space. Subscribe to my blog to receive emails as soon as the new article is posted.

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Tips for New Moms: Embracing Motherhood

Parenting Advise – Tips for New Parents (baby upto 6 months) Part 1


My little boy just turned 2! I can hardly believe it. To celebrate it, this month I am launching the motherhood section of my blog.

I intend to share tips & tricks, and stories of my mommy life. The first couple of parts are about the baby stage upto 6 months. Then we move on to the baby stage upto 2 years and after that, comes the toddler stage of so-called terrible twos which I will share as we go on.

This first part hopefully helps out new moms, soothe the anxieties and help guide through the new challenges.

The main question - How Do You Know?

And the simple answer: Well, you don’t.

So, don’t panic!

You guess or you develop an instinct. This basically goes for almost any question under the sun regarding your newborn. Is my baby hungry? Is he full yet? Is my baby sleepy? Is he cold or is he hot? Should I pick him up or not? Shall I let him sleep in my lap or should I put him down? Is he in pain or is he just crankyIf so, WHY is he cranky?

It’s almost impossible to tell, because, of course, your baby can’t tell you what he wants or what his ailment is. But, there are certain pointers which I will be sharing here which can give you a hint as to what can keep your baby happy and healthy. Otherwise, as a mother and, in fact, as a parent all you can do is gauge reactions and learn and improvise.

It's a Learning Curve

Motherhood is a learning curve, one where you learn something new every day. Babies are unpredictable but there are atleast some things you can note and learn and then adapt accordingly. Ofcourse, there are people to guide you – doctors, parents, friends and family who are parents already – but, those are just guidelines which can act as pointers. In the end, decisions have to he taken by you and whatever good or bad (touchwood it doesn’t) happens, the responsibility is yours and your spouse’s.

You will gradually learn to distinguish which cry of your baby means he’s sleepy, which is a tantrum to be picked up, or which one means he is simply hungry. Incessant crying, though, usually means he’s in pain or is uneasy.

When something works, keep in mind for next time what did the trick and got him/her to be soothed.

Does Motherhood Really Mean Sleepless Nights?

The other all important question which you might have – is your precious sleep no more?

If you’re lucky, it doesn’t have to be. But for very very few people have I heard so.

Yes, there will be sleepless nights, night after night when the baby will be crying and you won’t know why he just won’t sleep. Then, he’ll be sleeping throughout the day when you need to eat and bathe and do your household activities. That leaves you precious little time to sleep. And then the cycle starts again. The saying “you should sleep when the baby sleeps” is just a myth. That said, you should still take atleast a couple hours nap because you need to rest and heal; a sick you is no help to the baby. 

Awake at 3AM!

How long till Baby's sleep cycle normalizes?

The consensus is, apparently, that it takes 3 months to stabilize and come to a proper routine. But here again there are various opinions and experiences; some say 4 months, some say 6 while others say it was never an issue!

Well, for me, up to 5 months, my baby slept at dawn and woke at noon! So, it’s all different from baby to baby.

But rest assured, the hardest part is upto 6 months, there-on it gets better sleep-wise.

Is It Worth It?

Of course it is!

The pregnancy, the birth and then the sleepless nights, the endless worry, the hyper-awareness and the zero me-time – are all of these worth it? One simple answer – yes!

Every time I look at the tiny bundle I created, it fills me with joy and wonder. Every time I do something that makes him smile, I’m incandescent. Every time he does something new, I feel so proud! So yes, it is worth it.

I get to see cutely funny sights like this...

In my next post...

How did you like the introduction? Drop me a line to let me know your thoughts.

In my next post, I will share the advise – in actual numbers and names – as received from my well wishers and which were my guidelines in those first 6 months of new-mommyhood.

Stay tuned.

newborn, baby, feet-1399155.jpg

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London Journals – Part 3

A 6 day London Travel Story – Final Part

This is the final part of my 6 day London trip. Read about Part 1 and Part 2 where I visited most of the major attractions of London over a span of 4 days till now.

Here we are at Day 4 evening which was the view…

The Shard

After the Windsor Castle, I made my way back to central London as dusk fell. I was now headed to the last stop of my day – The Shard. The Shard is a 72-story skyscraper which is the tallest building in the United Kingdom at ~1000ft. It is a commercial building housing offices, hospitals, restaurants etc. I was visiting for the View from The Shard.

Traveling by escalator to the 68th floor, I arrived at a glass enclosed observation deck which gave 360 degree view of the London city. The panoramic night views of a lit-up London were fabulous and not to be missed.

Tip: One can order food and drinks from the restaurant inside this 3-storied deck and enjoy them while admiring the views.

Tickets (without Pass):

The Shard: £ 25

King's Cross!

Before I could call it a day, I made just one last impromptu stop – to Kings Cross station (it was on my way back, in my defense) and there I discovered the “Harry Potter shop at Platform 9.3/4”. I’m afraid I did quite a bit of shopping there! Muffler, mugs, pens etc. A must visit for Potterheads! That was it for the penultimate day of my London trip.

Day 6: Sky And Water

This was a Saturday so that meant my husband was off-work and we could enjoy my last day in London together. However, due to some circumstances, we had a late start to the day. The day was rainy and chilly. Our plan was to visit the Westminster Abbey and the London Eye.

Westminster Abbey is the site of royal coronations and weddings. It is a Gothic structure which is one of the most known cathedrals of UK. Unfortunately, just as we reached the gates of the chapel, the gates closed for entry for that week! I requested to let us through since I would be returning to India the next day but they didn’t budge. So, alas!, the Westminster Abbey was missed.

London Eye

We then turned towards the London Eye. The London Eye is a Ferris Wheel, one of the highest structures in UK, and is basically a rotating observation deck. We rode the London Eye – in the glass-cased capsules which slowly move up and then down in a 30-minute duration. I absolutely loved the 360 degree view of the London City from various angles. There is a guide map provided which points out what we are seeing on each side of the view. This is a must-do in London.

HMS Belfast

We strolled around the area simply enjoying the day when we chanced upon the HMS Belfast and decided to visit.

HMS Belfast was a cruiser built as part of the Royal Navy but is now a museum which stands permanently docked on the Thames close to the Tower Bridge. It has nine decks incorporating bunkers, kitchens & pantry, captain’s quarters etc. But the most notable or visit-worthy are the gun turret experience room on the deck and the boiler and engine rooms at the lower level. Its highly interesting to see the erstwhile workings of ship. We spent a good 45 minutes going over the ship because it was so intriguing! Also, don’t miss the view of the Thames from the bow of the ship!

Tickets (without Pass)

  • Westminster Abbey: £ 24
  • London Eye: £ 27
  • HMS Belfast: £ 22.70

So Long, London

The last night we spent the way we started – dinner and “adda” (bengali; means chatting) with friends, but not before we had another stroll through the twilight-lit city of London.

At the crack of dawn the next day, I left London to return home. The 7 days trip was an amazing one and I really loved it – there was history, there was magic, there was opulence and there was architectural beauty, all wrapped up in one city. I will return again someday!

The Improved Itinerary

In the 7 days, I took a trip to Ireland, I attended a match and I spent time with friends. Had I not had these I would have a full 7 days to visit London. So, here’s my 6-day London itinerary – based on what I saw and liked and what I missed but would have liked to see had I had some more time.

Day 1: Buckingham Palace including Changing of guards, Westminster Abbey

Day 2: Tower Bridge, Big Bus, Trafalgar Square (get off from Big Bus), Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus

Day 3: St. Paul’s Cathedral, Millennium Bridge, Borough Market, London Bridge, Walking tour (just walk around central hub of London), catch a West End show in the evening.

Day 4: Tower of London, Royal Greenwich Observatory, Cutty Sark

Day 5: Windsor Castle, The Shard

Day 6: London Eye, HMS Belfast, Kensington Palace and Gardens, Hyde Park

Day 7: Optional: If you’re a sports fan – visit Wimbledon/Lords/Wembley Stadium. Or, if you’re a Harry Potter fan, do the Warner Brothers Studio Tour. Or, explore the London Pass for hidden gems. Or, simply walk around and do some shopping for you and yours.

Tip: Apart from the Buckingham Palace and the Harry Potter tour, all are included in the London Pass and/or Explorer Pass.

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Paris through new eyes

Part of the 2022-2023 year end trip with family. Read Part 1 here.

We meet again Paris!

Circumstances change viewpoints and traveling partners change itineraries. It’s not some deep philosophical thought, just an observation. This was my second visit to Paris; first one being a solo. While the itinerary was more relaxed because I now had a baby in tow, my perspective towards Paris changed either because the city itself has changed or because of the time of the year I chose to visit it this time.

The itinerary:

As I said, it was a pretty open plan; with only one booking – Eiffel Tower on the 31st of December and that was the grand plan. What we did come up with on the spot suited us so well though.

  • Eiffel Tower
  • Torcadero Pavillion
  • Arc De Triomphe
  • Montmartre
The family @Eiffel Tower

Day 1: NYE @ Eiffel Tower

Last day of year 2022, and we had an appointment with The Iron Lady in the afternoon. Even though we left with plenty of time on hand, with traffic delays and slow-moving buses, we almost missed our tour group! Thankfully we caught them. And then there it was…. The Eiffel Tower!

Yet again, the sheer size of it and the architecture impressed me. So did the views. A 360-degree panoramic view over the city of Paris on New Years Eve. Could it be any better? High up there, the wind pushed me around but learning about the history of the tower and various factoids about the city of love made my day. I will always say, this is a must-do and is definitely not overhyped.

After spending a good couple of hours there, we wrapped up for the day as it was getting dark and much too crowded (I know, I know – we were part of the crowd yes). Getting to the hotel though was quite a challenge as the metros and buses stopped at random stops and declared it as their last one! Being the 31st of December, metro tickets were free but most routes were cut short due to the NYE party at the Arc De Triomphe. So all roads leading to it were closed. Too much hassle.

Still, a nice dinner at a cozy restaurant returned me to my good mood.

Deserted streets

Day 2: Arches and Towers

Happy New Year! It was the first day of 2023 – all bright and sunny! Ahem, it was interspersed with drizzly bits unfortunately. This day and the next would be divide and conquer. My child was a bit sick so we decided to go out in pairs, so someone was always there with him. In the late afternoon, my mother and I went to see the Arc de Triomphe. For both of us, this was the first time seeing it.

How to get to it??

It was a task figuring out how to reach that structure – standing at the junction of a 4-way 2 street crossroads – without any discernible path. Turns out, it is reached via the subway. Tickets to climb the top can be bought at the booth located underground i.e. on the subway but you can book in advance online.

That day, it being New Year, the top was closed but we could visit the arch and study the intricate sculptures on its 4 sides up close. Just standing there and observing the interminable movement of people and cars under the setting sun was a nice time-out.

Next stopPalais de Chaillot or The Trocadero or more specifically Parvis des droits de l’homme which is the forecourt in between the two wings of the Trocadero. This place gives the perfect viewpoint for the Eiffel Tower and superb for photo ops. We posed with an Eiffel Tower decked up in lights and was glad for this one in a million view.

At night, I dined in with the kid while the others went out for a fun Indian dining experience.

Day 3: Hills And Domes

Rainy day from the offset but that didn’t deter us. Last day in Paris needed to be treated as such. So we headed off early to Montmartre – a hill located in the 18th arrondissement of Paris – and on its peak, the Sacré-Cœur. You have to climb the literal hill partly on foot and partly via cable car/funicular; we chose to go on foot the whole way via the steps. The view was reward enough for the strenuous activity – Paris!

Montmartre is a town with cute houses, quaint cafes and lots of shopping! The Basilica itself is beautiful to look at, presenting a new view from different angles, the inside is interesting with its stained-glass paintings, sculptures and – for this particular time of the year – a Nativity scene! We lit candles in prayer and looked around the cathedral. Don’t forget to look up at the dome!

We did a wee bot of shopping after that (but of course) for cute knick-knacks and treated ourselves to savory crepes and coffee.

Tip: If you have time, let a street artist draw you a portrait in 20 minutes only! Or, explore this colorful, and very charming neighborhood.

Back "home"?

The time flew by and suddenly it was time to get back to real-life. From Gare du Nord station to Rotterdam in 3 hours via Thalys and we were back to our new home away from everything familiar. But we were on a holiday high which carried us through the next few months to help us settle in and call The Netherlands our home properly.

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The Best of Zurich in 3 days

A vacation – big or small – at the end of the year is a surefire way to get me in the best of moods for the incoming year, refreshing the mind and hitting the reset button on the worries of the bygone year.

I mentioned in my last post how my family and I have moved from India to The Netherlands few months ago. The change has been hard but not as hard as it could have been because my parents accompanied us to help us settle in, especially with an almost-toddler. It was an unparalleled extension of support; I mean, when do we not need our parents, right?

However, we needed a break from all the arrangements one must make when setting up a whole new life in a new country and also, we wanted to spend some time as a family to just “be”. Hence came the idea of a New Year’s trip. We did a bit of discussion on where and how long but logistics and budget aside, we decided we wanted to see Paris and Zurich (touristy much?). Thus was born the 7 day trip of dreams.

Spreading the Christmas cheer...

The Itinerary

With a 1-year-old in tow, sometimes it is really hard to plan, or rather it is hard to follow a plan. It’s important to plan in such a way that we can maximize the highlights of the place we are in but that must be spaced out so as not to tire out the kiddo – this we learnt during this trip. Thankfully, while the Zurich part of our trip was a bit packed, we’d left the 3 days in Paris mostly wide open to instant plans and ideas.

So, here is my 7 days trip to Zurich and Paris with a kid. Read on to know what is a must do and what can be skipped, what can be added to this itinerary which we didn’t have time for.

  • Days 1-3: Zurich
  • Day 4: Zurich to Paris
  • Days 5-7: Paris

Day 1: Zurich – The Lindt Chocolate Factory

This day had only one item on the agenda – The Lindt Chocolate Factory Tour. We arrived in Zurich early afternoon. Since check-in was late afternoon, we couldn’t really use the 2nd half of the day to our advantage, because all the paraphernalia of a kid – setting up, bathing, cooking, feeding – took a significant amount of time. So we arrived in downtown Zurich only in time for a late lunch and a brisk walk around the Limmat River towards our bus stop.

The factory is some way outside the city and takes about 30 minutes by bus from near the Zurich Lake. The factory closes at 7PM, and we only had a 5PM ticket (the only available slot left!) for our tour, so we didn’t want to be late.

Tip: Book your tickets well in advance as they are always in high demand and there are not too many slots available. Price of tickets: CHF 10. Check here for availability and booking.

The factory was an amazing experience. The first portion of the tour (guided audio tour) was in essence a museum, with history on the discovery and evolution of chocolate along with interesting artifacts and trivia. The second part is more interactive – with mock setups of actual factory processes AND the best part – chocolate tasting! Oh, it was divine!! Even if you are not a chocolate lover, you will love this place and it in fact, may convert you!

Tip: It’s mandatory for a car seat in Switzerland – even in an Uber – so make sure to book cabs/cars accordingly if you are travelling with an infant. (I mention this because it’s not “mandatory” everywhere in Europe.)

For dinner that night, we did an Uber Eats delivery to our hotel – the cold and the exhaustion got to us.

Day 2 – Lake Zurich and Rhine Falls with Stein-am-Rhein Tour

Thanks to my parents, who babysat on this 2nd day, my husband and I got a couple of hours’ time on our own which we used to take a trip downtown to stroll around Lake Zurich and have some (very pricey!) breakfast in the area. The bright sunshine sparkled onto the pretty Lake Zurich; it made for some very instagrammable snaps. A walk around the lake was so lovely and invigorating.

The pre-booked tour of Rhine Falls and Stein-am-Rhine started from Sihlquai Coach Parking near Zurich HBf station. Half an hour’s drive took us to the Rhine Falls. The Laufen Castle greeted us in its medieval cuteness. We, however, were eager to see the falls so we zoomed right past, thinking to save it for later. There are 2 ways to get to the falls – glass elevator with a panoramic view of the falls as you go down or, the long way hiking down stairs, which in my opinion is much better because it gives different amazing views every corner you turn.

We opted to walk down the stone steps. It’s a long way down and after every few landings, there are viewing platforms. While the view from the top is pretty special in itself, the scenery as you get closer to the falls is just unreal. The roaring water cascading down into the river is simply spellbinding and frankly quite thrilling because you get to stand really really close to the falls. The whole scenic route down took almost and hour and a half with pauses for photos an ofcourse to enjoy the falls itself. We came back up the glass elevator. However, it left us no time to explore the castle unfortunately.

Tip: Keep atleast 3 hours in hand so you can see it all – the falls and the Laufen Castle, plus some shopping and eating. There is a café and a couple of restaurants.


Stein-am-Rhein is a historic town and a municipality in the canton of Schaffhausen in Switzerland (source: Wikipedia), located on the Rhine river. It is known for its medieval houses with painted fronts. Our next and last stop of the tour was this village which is about 20-25 minutes from the Rhine falls and almost an hour away from Zurich.

A cute little cobblestoned road zigzagged through the houses which have interesting and attractive murals painted on them. The colorful street was filled with Christmas stalls selling all kinds of bakes and fried goodies. We walked through the street noting the architecture and various murals, and then going down to the river to watch the sunset. It was a glorious sight. Waffles and some croissants later, we were back on the bus for our drive back to Zurich.

Happily exhausted, we ended the day with pizza and burgers from a takeaway.

Day 3 – Lindenhof, Zurich highlights and Felsenegg Cable Car and Ferry Tour

Another trip was booked for our 3rd day in Zurich – A Zurich highlights tour along with Felsenegg Cable Car and Ferry ride. The tour started in the afternoon, so once again, we took the morning to take a trip downtown Zurich. But this time our destination was the Lindenhof Hill.

It’s a vantage point a few meters above the main level of the city. It is essentially a park-ground with trees, rugged paths and a fountain. In the 4th century a Roman fort stood on Lindenhof while  in the 9th century the grandson of Charlemagne built a regal palace as place of residence on this very same site (Source: It was a place for gatherings and apparently, a meeting point for passionate chess players.

Because of the elevation, it provides pretty views over the city of Zurich, especially the Old Town. And that is what we were treated to as we climbed up the hill – yes, literally – to get the sun dappled Limmat River views.

Zurich City Highlights with Felsenegg Cable Car and Ferry Ride Tour

This afternoon, we boarded the bus for another 4-hour tour. This one too started from Sihlquai Coach Parking near Zurich HBf station. In fact, most trips booked via or Get Your Guide or even Viator are ultimately locally conducted by Best of Switzerland Tours.

Starting from the city center around Lake Zurich, the bus puttered along the streets of Zurich while our guide pointed out various attractions like the National Museum, the Bahnhofstrasse shopping street, the financial district and the Zürich Opera House. We stopped at a few places for photos or a little bit of walking tour to look more closely at some sights.

We then headed off along the scenic Gold Coast towards Meilen to board the ferry to Adliswil. The whole bus actually boarded the ferry (!!) wherein we got off and headed to the upper deck for some lovely views of the lake. After the 10-minute ferry ride, the bus climbed steadily over the hilly roads of Adliswil towards Felsenegg mountain. Final leg of the journey was the cable car ride to the top of Felsenegg and then a short hike to the actual top. And oh wow, the panoramic views from up there were so pretty. At the top we had snacks and coffee at the only café there – the Felsenegg Café.

Refreshed, we made the journey back to our starting point – the coach terminus – by road. I thoroughly enjoyed this half day tour which had a bit of everything; from hiking, to ferry to cable cars!


I always google dishes that are a must eat at any new place – and I got to know that Zurich was famous for its fondue and luxembergeril (which are basically mini macaroons). That last night’s dinner was cheese fondue at the Swiss Chuchi restaurant and in the morning we had bought some macaroons and eclairs at the famous Sprungli Confiserie. While the fondue was very good, it was pretty expensive and to our shock came only with additional bread pieces to dip. We ordered some fried chicken to dip in as well but those weren’t very tasty (no seasoning). The restaurant had good service though and we were able to get a table pretty quickly considering, so I would still recommend a visit.

Onto the next Leg

Next day we left for Paris via the TGV train. Read all about my 2nd trip to Paris in the upcoming post.

Must Dos

  • Enjoy Zurich Lake views
  • Walk along Limmat River
  • Walk onto Lindenhof Hill
  • Visit Lindt Chocolate Factory
  • Take the Felsenegg Cable car and hike upto Felsenegg top
  • Half day trip to Rhine Falls (can skip the Stein Am Rhein)
  • Eat Fondue and macaroons

For now, I leave you with my final thoughts on Zurich, Switzerland. It is pretty, public transportation is great and there are some amazing sights to see but it is really really expensive place. It will break your pocket to eat out well. Plan accordingly and if you are okay with fast food takeaways, do that.

But still, we had  a great time and left with some sweet memories.

The Best of Zurich in 3 days Read More »

Back with a Bang – A Long Hiatus!

Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.” —Thomas Edison

Hello…It’s been a long hiatus from writing. I missed it sorely. Time was a resource available in
scant quantities but over and above that, the mind-space required to just sit down and pen something was just not there.

A Change

My family and I went through a huge life change – we moved from our home country to a
European country. We all hear or see our acquaintances or friends/relatives move to foreign lands, but one can never know the reality of such a big transformation. I had started to write a series of posts just before our move to document all stages but the toll of it all just overtook me. The physical and mental exhaustion is real.

Time to write again

It’s now been 5 months and we are more or less “settled”. So now I have decided that it’s high time I got back to what I love – writing. I will eventually get to writing that series of “moving to a new country”, but for now it’s back to basics – all about my travels. Coming up next week on my insta – photos of my latest trip and on my blog –  the new year’s trip of dreams – Paris and Zurich.

Meanwhile, I leave you with a few pictures of my new home-land – The Netherlands…

Back with a Bang – A Long Hiatus! Read More »

Top 10 Things to Do In Chicago

I visited the ‘Windy City’ – Chicago – back in 2018 as part of my work trip (as I mostly do) to visit one of my best friends who stays in a suburb called Naperville. That trip was one of my favorite trips because I got to spend my first trip to USA with my dearest friend.

The Windy City

Situated on the banks of Lake Michigan, Chicago is one of the largest cities in the USA. The origin of the name Windy City is not clear; some say its because of the winds (obvious explanation) while others say its because of politics! Anyhow, Chicago is a lively city with some truly wonderful places to see and enjoy. It is known for its eclectic architecture, its skyscrapers and its museums. It is always bustling with activity and there’s an ever-present sound of ambulances in the background for some reason!

MY Top 10 List

There are many must-do or to-do lists on Chicago. My list is based on best of all worlds, a little of everything thrown in. Here’s MY top 10 things to do in Chicago.

  1. Visit the Chicago Bean (Millennium Park)
  2. Walk the Magnificent Mile
  3. Stroll through the Navy Pier, ride the Centennial Wheel
  4. Take the Chicago Architectural River Cruise
  5. Go to the Buckingham Fountain
  6. Be fascinated by the Shedd Aquarium
  7. Get a bird’s eye view of the city from the Skydeck
  8. Take a water taxi
  9. Have a deep dish pizza
  10. Visit the Art Institute of Chicago

Chicago Bean / Millennium Park

The Chicago Bean, so nicknamed because of its shape, is officially named Cloud Gate. This is a steel structure whose extremely polished surface reflects Chicago’s skyline. The Bean was designed by Anish Kapoor as part of a design competition, and is the centerpiece of the AT&T plaza at Millennium Park (source: Wikipedia). Stroll through the park and then walk over to The Bean. You will be impressed by the shiny sculpture and Chicago’s warped skyline projected on its surface.

$$ Free

The Magnificent Mile

This is a stretch of road in Chicago which sports famous buildings and luxury shops. Take a walk and admire some of the tallest buildings ever, such as The John Hancock Center, The Wrigley Building, the Tribune Tower etc. Stop and shop – if you dare! – at one of the most upscale shopping districts in the America. Apparently, the rent here is the third most expensive in the United States! (Source: Wikipedia)

$$ Free, except any shopping you do of course!

Navy Pier

This is one of Chicago’s must do things. The Navy Pier is a pier (of course) on Lake Michigan which houses amusement parks, attractions, exhibitions/shows, restaurants and shops. Soak up  the culture, enjoy the view, be entertained and treat your tastebuds at this hotspot of activities. You can ride the Centennial Wheel too.

$$ 20

Chicago Architectural River Cruise

This 90-minute tour (general duration) is a guided tour which takes you through the Y-shaped river pointing out the various skyscrapers of the Chicago skyline, their history, the era of architecture and the famous buildings like Trump Tower, Tribune Tower, Wrigley Building etc. along the way. It is a fascinating tour where you learn so much but are still entertained while you move slowly up and down the river.

$$ 35-40

Buckingham Fountain

One of the largest fountains in the world, the Buckingham Fountain is a majestic tiered-cake shaped water feature. It’s unique characteristic is a 150-foot high water jet which shoots up in the air every hour for 20 minutes. In the evening, the fountain is lit up and there is a light and musical display along with the jet. Check out it’s timing and operating hours here.

$$ Free

Shedd Aquarium

Shedd Aquarium is one of the largest indoor aquariums in the world. It has an amazing diversity of fishes, amphibians, and other marine inhabitants like seahorse, jellyfish, seals, whales, whatnot! It has some truly enthralling and entertaining displays. I especially loved the dolphin show. Read about my visit here.

$$ 40

Skydeck / Willis Tower

The 103rd floor of the Willis Tower in Chicago has a 360 degree observation deck called the Skydeck. The best – and dangerous – part is the all-glass box ledge where you can step out for an exhilarating view 103 stories down! Experience that moment of fear just before you step out into seeming nothingness and look straight down to the road 1353 ft. below.

$$ 28-35

Water Taxi

These operate on Lake Michigan to and from Navy Pier. While the river cruise is a slow, leisurely ride through the river, a water taxi is quite exciting out on the lake with gulls and the boat at super speed!

$$ 10

Deep Dish Pizza

This is an iconic Chicago dish, so called because of its high sided crust which gives it an almost pie like appearance. The high sides enable enough space for generous amounts of sauce and toppings or rather fillings. It is a yummy treat! It will be available at most Italian joints in Chicago.

$$ 15-20

Art Institute of Chicago

It is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the world. It hosts legendary artwork like Pablo Picasso’s The Old Guitarist, Grant Wood’s American Hawk and such like. It contains nearly 300,000 works of art apart from special exhibitions (source: Wikipedia). It is also known as the place where Swami Vivekananda gave his famous speech, to commemorate which the speech is printed and highlighted on the steps of the Art Institute.

$$ 19

Honorary Mention

I was coincidentally in Chicago during the 4th of July weekend which is one of the biggest celebrations in the USA. On that day, I got to experience a quintessential american barbecue at the beach! It was a fun day.

It's a curated list but all expansive

These are the things which I did during my own 2 days’ visit of Chicago, except the last one. 3 days should be enough to cover everything easily and at a leisurely pace. I did them all except the last one because I ran out of time. This list was curated based on some of the famous attractions along with one museum – which I substituted for the aquarium – and some exciting activities. It covers walks, food, art and culture so it’s the best of all worlds. Be sure to do most of these things when in Chicago to get a taste of this vibrant city.

Top 10 Things to Do In Chicago Read More »

London Journals – Part 2

A 6 day London Travel Story – Part 2

This is part 2 or the the 2nd half of my 6 day London trip. The two halves were punctuated by a day’s trip to Cork in Ireland. Read about Part 1 here, where I visited Buckingham Palace, Harry Potter Studio Tour, the Tower Bridge, Covent Garden and Borough Market and took a ride on the Hop On Hop Off Big Bus to view all the major attractions of London.

We returned from Cork late evening on the Wednesday of that week. A quick dinner and we were done for the day.

Hello Again London!

Day 4: History and Geography

I set out early the next day because there was 2 main stops to cover that day, plus our hotel was actually on the outskirts of London and it took me quite some time to get to Central London.

Tower of London

The Tower of London is a 1000-year old royal castle, fortress and prison built as part of the Norman conquest. The Tower of London now serves as a fortress to protect the Crown Jewels and also houses the Royal Armouries.

I took a guided Yeoman Warder tour who narrated stories about the castle’s history and the executions and tortures held at the prison. The prison stories were pretty bloody. Then I got to take a look at the famous Crown Jewels – a fascinating collection from around the world including the Indian subcontinent. There was also a tour of the White Tower – which gives its name to the whole castle – which was the home of Kings and Queens and their animals especially the ravens.

Tip: The Yeoman Warder tours take place at 30 minutes’ interval whereas the White Tower tours are at specific times and are subject to availability. So time your visit accordingly.

Royal Observatory, Greenwich

This is the part where I stood with a foot in each of the western and eastern hemispheres! I was at the Prime Meridian where time started, known as the Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. I was going to visit The Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

After I was done with the Tower of London tour – over 3 hours – I made my way to the ferry terminal nearby to board the cruise ship to Greenwich; it was free with my London Pass. The cruise was with live commentary on the history of various buildings/monuments we could see from the ferry and some fun facts as well a like which was the house of a famous Aamerican actor. The ferry ride and the walk from the pier to the Royal Observatory via Greenwich Park was very pleasant.

I made a beeline for the 0 deg 00’ 00” longitude – the Prime Meridian – and stood with one foot on each side. A mini photo session ensued. Then I took a tour through Flamsteed House which was the original Royal Observatory building built by Charles II and designed by Wren, which is now a museum devoted to time and timekeeping, measuring and telling of time. It was fascinating! I saw so many different types of clocks, watches, the original method of using a sundial etc.

Tip: The Royal Observatory is part of the Royal Museums Greewnwich which also includes the Cutty Sark (a merchant vessel now a museum), National Maritime Musuem and the Queen’s House (which houses an internationally renowned art collection). If you have time, do visit these as well.

Lunch! Pie and mash with Gravy

Tickets (without Pass)

  • Tower of London: £ 29.90
  • Royal Greenwich Observatory: £ 16

Waka Waka - A New Experience!

Before my visit, I had lunch in Greenwich itself – another English classic – pie and mash with gravy. This one was quite yummy! I spent about an hour at the Observatory after which it was time to head back to London, specifically to Stamford Bridge in Fulham. I was about to watch my one and only (to date) live football match! I don’t follow football at all but my husband does and he is a Chelsea fan. So I accompanied him to his first live international match, along with our friends.

I must say it was an invigorating experience. The huge stadium, the astonishingly green field, the ambiance, the fast paced match and the athleticism of the players. I kinda loved it. I would do the live thing again but the sport unfortunately still holds no appeal for me.

After the match, we had dinner – steak and fries – at this Tex-Mex restaurant nearby called Yucca. The food was just delicious! One tube ride later we were back at the hotel and ready to call it a day.

The food after @Yucca

Day 5: A Castle, A Sport and A View


Today’s agenda included one of my fandom-based places – Wimbledon stadium. This was my first stop of the day. A train and a bus ride took me to the All England Lawn Tennis Club. Using my London Pass, I booked a ticket to the 90-minute guided tour of the stadium and grounds including the Press Room and the Centre Court! After the tour, I visited the Wimbledon Museum for all tennis related history and memorabilia. Read about my post regarding the Wimbledon visit here

From the AELTC, I took a train to Windsor; a journey of over 1 hour. I was famished by the time I reached so I took time to eat lunch at Nando’s.

@Wimbledon - In the Press Room

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is a royal residence for British royal family members. I visited the castle after my lunch where I took the free audio-guide which came with the ticket and guided myself through the castle. I strolled through The State Apartments – where the rooms were unimaginably lavish, St. George’s Chapel – of Gothic architecture and the glass paintings were gorgeous, and the Moat and Towers. It was a huge area and I loved the whole tour of the castle in the lovely weather as well as the scenic views from up hill (which is where the tower is located). The tour took about 1.5 hours which is the minimum time needed to see everything.

Tip: Check castle timings before tour visit especially the different sections because they have separate times for last entry of the day. 

Tip: Photography is not allowed inside but you can take pictures of the view and the castle from outside.

Tickets (without Pass)

  • Wimbledon: £ 25
  • Windsor Castle: £ 26.50

A lot to consume in a day but I had room for more!

Find out about the ending to this day – the “View” and about my last day in London in Part 3.

London Journals – Part 2 Read More »