Noodles are a Chinese staple food. Just like the French are with their bread, so are the Chinese with their noodles. With their spicy food and exotic dishes, the noodles present a perfect antidote to sop off the excesses.
It’s Oriental Part 2
As with my last dish, this one is also an Indianized version of the dish. The Chinese version consists of lightly tossed stringy noodles with few chunks of meat thrown in and maybe some spring onions. The dish I am about to recite here consists of a lot more ingredients and can be eaten on its own as a snack.
Hakka Noodles packet – 150gm.
Onion – 1, small
Capsicum – ½, small
Garlic – 2 cloves
Carrot – ½ carrot, medium
Beans – 15-20gms.
Peas (optional) – 1/3 cup
Vinegar – 1 tbsp.
Soya sauce – 1.5 tsp.
Chilli sauce – 1 tsp.
Ketchup – 2 tbsp.
Salt – to taste
Oil – 1.5 tbsp.
Egg / chicken (optional)
- Boil the noodles in a pan with a pinch of salt till they are al-dente (90% cooked).
- Chop all the veggies.
- Boil the carrots, beans, peas in a separate bowl with a pinch of salt.
- Drain the noodles in a colander and drizzle a little oil to keep them from sticking into a lump.
- In a frying pan, heat oil. Add chopped garlic and fry till fragrant.
- Add the chopped onion and capsicum and fry till golden brown.
- Add the boiled vegetables and lightly fry them.
- Add vinegar and the sauces and salt. Mix well.
- Now add the boiled noodles and mix well till they are coated well and good with the sauce and the veggies get distributed evenly.
- Fry for a while longer to get a light crunchy effect.
- Optional: Scramble eggs in a separate pan and add to the noodles. OR, boil some chicken, shred it and lightly fry in a pan and to the noodles.
These different ingredients all come together to form a simple but yummy dish to load up on.

This post was written for Blogchatter A2Z challenge; Day 14 – Letter “N”.