Book Review: Beyond Fairy Tales by Deepika & Shalini
We all have read and heard fairy tales in our childhood in some form or the other – perhaps Mom narrated it to us, or elder sister lent her book or we our self were gifted or bought an illustrated book. For me, I was gifted the “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” at a tender young age. The resplendent red letters-on-white printed on the hardbound cover was so attractive! But not more than the tales themselves. I devoured the pages reciting the stories of Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White, Frog Prince etc. Over the years the pages were thumbed through so many times that I knew the stories by heart – it was one of my best and well-loved books.
About the Book
But did I or any of us ever wonder the real meaning behind these stories? What did they mean, why did those characters behave in that way? Did we imbibe the essence of these stories subconsciously? Did our childish minds put their own connotation on them and act accordingly?
This is what Deepika Sharma explores in her book Beyond Fairy Tales. She has researched these fairy tales and given her views on the hidden meanings and significance of these so-called children’s stories. She explains what interpretation can be put on the actions of the lead characters and whether these tales are at all fit to be relayed to children. The book begins with an introductory chapter on what Fairy Tales are. To quote Deepika,
“A fairy tale generally has mythical creatures like dwarfs, elves, fairies, goblins, talking animals, witches, and usually magic.”
Each chapter is about one such fairy tale and is accompanied by poetic verses by Shalini at the end. Strictly speaking, not all the stories are fairy tales; some are fables (The Fox and the Grapes), and some are part of other general children’s stories (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp). Some are known tales like the ones I mentioned above but some are stories few of us would have heard of like The Story of Zoulvisia.
Lessons from our Childhood Stories
We know fables are meant to teach us some morals but fairy tales were never meant to do so. They were simply there for entertainment purposes, for the pleasure of reading and listening. However, children are sensitive and impressionable and therefore we must be careful what we let them read and hear.
Throughout these fairy tales, there are some recurring themes which are meant to teach us some lesson. This book looks at all such themes and analyses the teachings behind them.
- Prince or princesses wander into the forest despite being warned not to; there they meet some evil which aims to harm them. Lesson: listen to your elders when they warn you against something. Thumbs Up
- The Price or Princess accepts gifts from unknown people and are faced with horrors of some kind. Lesson: Do not talk to strangers. Thumbs Up
- Princesses marry the handsome prince who rescues them from imprisonment or spell of some other wicked fate. Lesson: Females are obliged to return a favor by handing over their lives. Thumbs Down
- People are judged on the basis of their looks and are treated accordingly. Thumbs Down.
- Hard work, knowledge, honesty, loyalty are admirable traits which should be the basis on which relationships are built. Thumbs Up.
These and many such lessons are interwoven in the fairy tales which Deepika skillfully interprets and draws out from each story.
Apart from this, every story is prefaced with its history – its origin, various versions and changes over the ages and finally the modern-day version which we all know.
The Poetic Verses
Shalini breaks down each of the fairy tales/stories into multi-verse poems which partially narrate the whole tale and partially speak of the moral of the story. I am in awe of these poems – to be so creative and write an age-old story in such poetic way is absolutely amazing. And they all rhyme! That astounds me. Some extracts from the poems:

Feedback & Special Mention
I really have no negative criticism for this one except a small one. Sometimes the story and the lesson mingles up and the chapter meanders a bit. And since the stories are mentioned in summary, sometimes there seems to be some sort of de-link. But this is just in some stories and a minor point. The concept of the book is unique and the writing is very enchanting.
Special mention to this poem which I can so relate to!
Hey Pop, what do you know about hip hop!
There’s so much fun and rhyme, the best way to spend time.
And have you ever heard of rap wars, and what they are meant for,
Two bands stand face to face, twisted caps with an open lace, They call out high and loud, and spread a craze in the crowd.
Now that’s what I call entertainment, keeping the abuses in containment.
The music in my days, scattered melodious rays
Oh! It touched the soul inside, on the waves of bliss I used to ride.
What’s there in these songs that you like, not a single right chord they strike.
Go! Get those tapes that make all feet tap, and I bet you’ll forget your rap.
In Summary
Sometimes though, a story can be read just for the fun of it and I can vouch for the fact that I had fun reading them as a child. However, when I do read them to my child someday I will perhaps edit the stories based on the analysis mentioned in this book. Read the book and be delighted and learn some valuable lessons. Download the ebook here.
This review was written as part of Blogchatter Book Review Program especially the Ebook Carnival series.
Read my other book reviews here.
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