BlogChatter A2Z Challenge 2021 – Theme Reveal
Writing is a matter of discipline. Just having an idea isn’t enough. One needs to sit down for long enough at regular intervals to take the idea to fruition. But, writing needs to be fun too!
For a long time, due to various reasons, I have been in a fuzz and unable to drum up enough disciple and enthusiasm to write a new post. I was more interested in spending time watching mindless stuff on Netflix/Prime or, reading. I wanted to dedicate enough time to my reading this year and so I took on Blogchatter Reading Challenge – been doing well at it too; currently at #13 on ReaderBoard.
Gradually, though, I felt myself wanting to get back to writing. And I remembered, the last time I had fun writing was the MyFriendAlexa challenge. Thus I decided to participate in this year’s A2Z challenge by Blogchatter for the first time ever. For the month of April, I will be writing one post each day except Sundays and the posts will start with each letter of the alphabet. Hence, A to Z! Talk about jumping in the deep end huh?
My blog is about travel but I certainly haven’t travelled enough or that far and wide to have that many posts. So I had this germ of an idea and here goes my theme for A2Z.
I will be writing about various dishes I have had during my travels which I have had the opportunity and the skills to make at home. Again some of them may simply be dishes I love but have never dared to try at home. Some of the dishes will be desi dishes/family recipes which I’d like to share with the world. I am aiming to mix it up and bring in colour, yumminess and a little knowledge to my posts.
Looking forward to writing and reading. Bring it on April!

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