My Hometown Kolkata in Pictures

Hoogly Bridge Kolkata cover pic

Lockdown and work from home has provided a small silver lining. After ages, I have been able to stay in my hometown Kolkata for more than a few days. For the last several years it has always been a flying visit but this time, due to the facility of working from home, its a longer visit. Taking advantage of that, I have been around the city and reacquainting myself with its beauty.

They are just phone snaps, taken from a moving car at most times but my city enchanted me all over again and I would like to share the beauty of my hometown with everyone. Presenting, the City of Joy, Kolkata!

Red Road
Prinsep Ghat and Vidyasagar Setu in the backdrop
Floodlights of Eden Garden
Eden Gardens outside facade
Victoria on the move…
Rabindra Sadan
Random city road click
2nd Hoogly Bridge or Vidyasagar Setu
Greenery @ Prinsep Ghat
Victoria Memorial (from the car)
Durga idol at the festival
Random road click 2 – and because we rarely see so much greenery in Mumbai
Kali idol at Kali Pujo (in bengal) festival
A local game of football in progress
Biswa Bangla Gate

I will keep adding to this post as and when I explore more. Its been wonderful getting to know my city all over again!

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